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General Anesthesia

Don’t let your child miss out on important dental appointments due to fear. South Gaston Pediatric Dentistry offers general anesthesia to help children feel more at ease during their visit. Let us provide a positive experience for your child at the dentist!

 What is General Anesthesia?

With general anesthesia, the patient is rendered completely unconscious so that they do not feel pain nor do they have any memory of the procedure. This is used with patients who are both very fearful and have a large amount of dental treatment needed. Depending on the situation, this may be done at our office or in a hospital.

The Procedure

When general anesthesia is utilized, our team works alongside a certified anesthesiologist to administer and monitor the anesthetic dosage, ensuring that your child remains comfortable throughout the entire dental procedure. If you are in the South Gastonia, NC area, don’t hesitate to contact our office and discover how general anesthesia can positively impact your child’s dental experience.

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3340 Robinwood Rd. Ste 140
Gastonia, North Carolina 28054

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